Monday, January 7, 2013

Heat Wave for Oscar

You would not believe that it is 44 C here today!  So I'm having a very lazy day dreaming of world domination again, but you would be used to that.

I'm shedding everywhere and she is saving all my hair to make me a soft cushion.  Quite thoughtful actually considering how much time I take to pamper her and sit in her lap....which, just between you and me is too small! 

Really it is so difficult to get her to just sit still enough and get this pretty purple and white pillowcase on her lap so I can balance.  But she seems to enjoy the challenges.

Because it's so hot today I have been both sleepy and grumpy because I miss sitting in all my favourite windows.  She also found a way, FINALLY, to block off the downstairs completely now and it seems to be keeping it cooler up here!

I posed for the neatest shot with me sitting on a bunch of pillows with a dog (oh don't worry, it was not a real one or it was VERY nervous) sandwitched between them.  What a coward that dog was!  But then it is me, Oscar!

I miss you both so much, but am getting her trained rather well now and as soon as she can figure out what setting she changed preventing her from uploading these cute pictures of me, I will get her to put them up right away for your pleasure. 

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