Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Oscar Claus

Happy Christmas!  I hope it's snowing where you are.  It rained all day today, and was only 22 C!  Can you believe that! 

Tis the season to whatever and I have enjoyed so many things this day, including playing with my mouse AND sneaking downstairs while everyone ate their Christmas dinner and exchanged gifts!  (Actually, she coaxed me to come down.  I'm pretty sure she has fixed most places so I can't sneak around and get lost.)

She tried to give me a treat of Fancy Feast Prime Filet of Turkey for my breakfast to ensure I was fully included in the spirit of the celebration day, but I will not be moved from my favourite beef chunks.

It was a great time and I do enjoy the attention of the three French girls, as well.  They each relate to me in a different way and are not so easily bamboozled as She is...but they all dote on me and do everything I wish them to do. 

Christmas Dinner Entertainment

During the Christmas dinner I purposed to entertain them all by casually and carefully inspecting the entire kitchen area thoroughly.  My what a large place this is!   

I could not, however, find a way to open all the intriguing cupboards and will leave this for another day when I have more time and fewer witnesses.  I’m sure I can get lost here and will enjoy the panic She will go into when I do! 

My Present

After She gave the girls their presents, they surprised her by giving her a present made more for me...a beautiful, queen-sized, velvet-feeling, soft blanket – but it is pink!  Regardless, it is soooooooo soft!  

She loves it, but I love it even more.  When she put it on her bed I was on it immediately rolling in ecstasy and luxuriating in the sensual feel of the fabric.   What a purrrrrrfect present!

I passed up the wonderful white wine that you provided, my dear Sabine, although everyone else seemed to enjoy it.  It helped her sleep soundly last night for the first time and that was great.  I also slept well having had such an eventful day. 

It Could Have Been Better

The only way it could have been better is to have you and Miglio here to hold me.  So even though I’m quite conflicted by your absence, I’m remain bravely happy you are enjoying your time away in Berlin.  

If you find any toys you know I’ll like, do not forget me here...waiting for you to come home.  No matter how nice She is, there is nothing like family!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Oscar, the Defender!

Thrusting and poking and swatting and parrying; sweat pouring down my brow, the invader battled relentlessly but I would never give up as long as "Fancy Feast Carved Beef" coursed through my body!  

Another swat, another prodding with my deadly claws and it writhed on the tiles at my feet, bested but not dead yet.  This brown enemy flailed its hairy legs at me as if to offer surrender, but I was ruthless patting it hard this time, my claws digging into the air around it, my tail flicking to punctuate my determination!

And then in She walked, trying to see what I was up to and when She saw it, it was as if She was afraid it would hurt ME.  

ME, the mighty Defender Cat who gave no mercy when confronted by an enemy!  

She gently moved me away from my prisoner to a safe distance and looked at it with that “yukky horror” look that humans get; picked up the plastic bottle of her fragrant, coconut shower gel and squashed the stuffings out of this flying menace, muttering something about how keeping the windows open without screens was the worst idea ever!

Torture Interrupted

I was offended that she didn't let me torture my prisoner more, but her care of me seemed to drive her to take counter measures to her typical spraying of tons of bug spray.  

She just knew I have sensitive allergies and would be put out with such un-environmentally-friendly ways of handling such a crisis! 

Anyway, just so you never imagine I let this creature endanger her, I defended her to within an inch of one of my nine lives.  ((Well a kitty can dream can’t he?))

PS:  I also managed to let her sleep just a little more last night, but was SOOOOO excited by my victory last night that I had to celebrate with gusto starting at about 4:10 AM.  You should have seen her squirm!

Otherwise, it's been a remarkably easy and leisurely day with her going out to have a Christmas lunch with a friend at the Queen Victoria Building and getting her cell phone fixed (she needs to be at my beck and call...but then I don't have a cell phone with me, because you forgot to pack mine!)

Hope it is snowing and that you are slipping and sliding around in all that slushy stuff and that you will throw a few snowballs at each other in the name of the mighty DEFENDER CAT!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

From Oscar, the Imperial Cat

Dear Sabine & Miglio,
I have to say first of all that I hope you’re having fun and...I miss you (don't EVER say I told you that). 

This is a very big place you’ve left me in.  Although I am not officially allowed downstairs yet, of course. I DID sneak down once and got caught!  The concern in that lady’s eyes was enough to show her just how quickly I can bound up the stairs, all 20 of them!

I was not too happy the first two days and slept most of the time.  I found this neat, quiet and dark place right under the middle of her bed.  It’s sort of cute, she comes and lays down on the floor and talks to me to encourage me to exercise.  As IF I am going to do anything anyone tells me to do, particularly exercise!

Food, Water & em.....Necessities

She has fed me my favourite food and I think I may be learning to like chicken!  That is rather novel, but it’s salty and I seem to be craving salt and drink lots of water.  And yes, I’m giving my litter box a good work out. 
Well, I could not figure out how to do the solid stuff inside the box and because I was upset from missing you so much I fear she has had to take extra care for me.  But she cleverly moved the litter box into her shower and I have my own private bathroom with the luxury of heaps of space and have no trouble with my ...aim now!

Her Mistake

She, however, really made a mistake.  She changed the litter crystals! 
Can you BELIEVE it!  I do not know where those lavender smelling crystals came from, but I will not use them!  I would have burst had she not gotten smart and removed them and put in the remainder of the correct ones. 
I have no idea what she was thinking...lavender, get real!  I do not like lavender anything...just because I am de-sexed does not mean I am fem!  She bought me more of the correct crystals today though as there was not going to be enough for my stay.

Sitting Options

She has many special places for me to sit and survey my world also.  See these two snapshots I’ve attached?  Here are two of my favourite perches so far. 
One is in her office window and the other is on her small side desk. 
She seems to like petting me and I am training her to do this every time I wander near her.  Thank goodness she has nice long finger nails as she really knows how to scratch my cheeks to send me into oblivion!

Night Fancies

I have a confession to make Sabine.  And do not get angry with me.  I just can’t resist staying up all night and keeping her awake!  She is so funny.  She coos and pets me and tries to encourage me to rest, but I LOVE keeping her awake.  I have a new world’s record of nearly five nights without real restful sleep. 
Today, she closed me in her room (where my good and litter box are, plus all the softest places for me to rest) and snuck a nap without me in her office!  Just wait till this evening.  No matter how she tries to keep me awake today, I will still find a way to keep her really is my only fun, since I’ve gone off all my toys for now, just to confound her efforts there too.

Anyway, had to let you know what I was up to, as I know you will be worrying about me.  But actually she is doing alright.  She is NOT you!  You, I have trained to be the best carer in the Cat World.  This one needs lots of training and I know I will get my way with her eventually.  First is sleep deprivation and then the master plan to dominate her completely!

Rest easy and be sure to bring me a treat or two...but never bring me lavender-scented litter box crystals!  Oscar, the Imperial Cat