Saturday, July 6, 2013

Friskies Versus Whiskers

Oh the beautiful sunshine!  Finally!  I have been lounging around on the wonderful fluffy, lamb's wool rug that was so thoughtfully provided for me and enjoying the sheer luxury of sunshine. 

I am getting her into a proper routine in the new house though and want to tell you the latest of what has happened.  You will be surprised, so be sure to be sitting down with come catnip nearby, in case you feel faint or over excited.

My Breakfast!

This morning I nudged her sleepiness out from under the warm blankets and got her moving toward the kitchen.  She is a bit taller than you are, so I have had to resort to standing up on my scratching skyscraper, but nonetheless it is working.

She padded slowly to the kitchen - I do wish she would not scuff her feet and act so tired when I have compelled her to obey me -- and picked up my dish, carefully emptied out the old food and washed it carefully, not using that smelly soap and then drying it thoroughly.  She selected my yummy, favourite, carved beef chunks and layered it just like I want it each morning. 

My Choice

Then she hesitated when she picked up the Friskies nibbles box.  She tends to talk to me most of the time when I am near, even when I am far, and she asked me (asked ME) if I wanted to try the Whiskers in the big bag you had left.  She said something about finding out if I liked it before all the Friskies nibbles were gone.  What a planner she is!
So I told her with my most commanding "Meow" that she could present me with the new Whiskers nibbles and get on with it.  So she did.

I ate it heartily as it was so different from the Friskies nibbles.  And then I ate the lovely beef chunks and washed it all down with the fresh water she poured into my cleaned water bowl.  Perfect.

Tummy Rumble

She went to work in the office and I could hear the clatter of little fingertips and smiled.  Then my tummy started rumbling.  So I thought she should pay attention to me and called to her various times.  She ALWAYS comes when I call.  I suppose she thinks I am stupid enough to get my pretty paw caught in a door or something.  But I love her running around after me when she is here.
Each time she came to check on me, I gave her my best, "what-do-you-think-you're-looking-at" look and put my tail up and walked away from her.  She was appropriately mystified by my behaviour.  

Then went back to work once more and minutes later heard something strange, like I was fighting with something (well she really is not good at expressing what she senses, so this was the best she could offer me of what she had heard.

What she saw, was my breakfast spread out once more on the carpet.  She was most supportive and carefully picked me up and cuddled me and fussed over me.  All the while I know she was not completely focused on me as she was searching for that sweet smelling carpet cleaner and the paper towels, but heaven knows she needed to pretend she cared about my failing health.

Earnest Scrubbing

She scrubbed away while I sat, looking exhausted and near death's door (only being a bit dramatic here, for effect, by the way, so do NOT panic) point to little bits she was missing.  She was so careful, you would have been proud of her. 
After she was satisfied with her scrubbing and putting everything back carefully, she came and scooped me up (smiling here) and softly and gently cuddled me and sat me onto my favourite lamb's wool rug and cooed over me for maybe ten of her minutes. 
I ignored her and started to nap.  Losing my breakfast that way had made me tired and so resting seemed the natural thing for me to do.  She left me in peace, but disturbed me about every 15 minutes to come pet me and ask me how I was feeling.  I was just tired, for Pete's sake!  I did hear her throwing out that new Whiskers food though and good riddance to it!  It could have poisoned me!

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