I slept in the
warming sunshine most of the morning. When I awoke it was apparent that I was starving. She was standing there watching me while she
got a cup of tea. I checked to see if my regular Friskies nibbles were now
in my bowl -- and can report that she did a careful job of cleaning out those
offensive nibbles for me and refilling my bowl properly.
I ate delicately,
nevertheless -- just in case. And felt
better for it. A couple of hours later ate more. It felt good to crunch those tasty little
bits. Reminds me of stories my dad told me of crunching mouse bones. Yum.
Feeling better I
began my regular exercise routine a bit late.
She does love playing hide-and-seek and chase with me. I enjoy watching her try to catch me and find
places to hide that I can't find....as IF.
It's very amusing as she is obviously too big to run behind the sofas in
the living room and in the study. She is always frustrated and stamps her
feet at me. As if I am going to fall for
THAT old trick!
Once I had run her
off her feet and could hear her puffing a bit so I sat back down in the sun and
soaked it up in victory. Then I heard
something special! The door to Miglio's
little room opened. You know the one
that looks like it is not there but really is and that I love to press my nose
up against.
She opened it. Trust me it has been up to my elbows out
there with water until today.
Then she started
one of those pointless conversations with me again about her fear of opening
the screen door and letting me go out on my favourite patio.
"For goodness sake, girl", I mewed
to her, "I am not stupid enough to jump down three stories, so open the screen for me! That's an
Well she hesitated
and I put my claws in that screen to let her know I would open it myself if
necessary. She relented and I was so
surprised. I just stood there and looked out.
The air smelled so sweet I almost hugged myself.
She chattered away
behind me, expressing her fears and begging me to behave and not to fall
down. She really is a worrier
sometimes. And then she did something I
did not expect.
As I sat there
transfixed by just the thought of walking out onto my patio, she left me
completely alone -- mumbling that she thought it better to just trust me and
Whoever was watching out for me -- and leave me in peace. Now that IS wisdom.
But I know she
peeked to see what I would do. So I
hesitated and just sat inside the door until I thought she would run out of
patience and walked carefully out onto the patio. It was still a little wet in places, but I
loved the feeling of the FREEDOM. I
jumped onto the ledge and just sat with my back to the sun, smiling and
smiling. I do love my balcony.
After a few hours I
sauntered in to where she was still tapping away and let her know I could come
in and out as I pleased. But she
chattered on to me about some inconclusive research she'd been preoccupied with
about whether cats jump or fall off balconies and how she just hoped I was
mature enough to realise that it was a far jump, even for one so capable as I
But it was growing
cooler and she said I had had enough fresh air for the day and closed the
screen door and the sliding invisible (glass) door on me and locked it! So my freedom was taken again, but I know she
will let me out now because she knows I will not jump in my desire to find
Oh speaking of
that, have I told you today how much I miss you. Despite her best efforts, she is not you and
she is not Miglio. Please give each
other a hug for me and let me know when you will come home again. I need one of your world-famous scritches!
Since she won't let
me lay on the keyboard I have found satisfaction in laying on the
printer...they still both seem to humm but at least she does not annoy me all
the time to get down from the printer. I
even found a way to turn it on after I convinced her that it was unnecessary to
keep all this fresh and unmarked paper on top of all the buttons. But she caught me right away.
I wanted to let you
know, Sabine, that I have had great delight in getting her into my
routine. It starts with my sleeping
solidly in the crook of her legs or on her hip (more on this later) and not
letting her move unless I say it is alright.
When she does
awake, I ensure she does not disturb me and slips very carefully out from under
the scrumptious feather doona/coverlet.
Then she takes her shower and by the time she is finished I am waiting
outside the bathroom door impatiently waiting till she opens it and finishes
getting dressed.
Then I escort her
to the kitchen where she cleans out my bowls, washes them carefully, while I
sit on the counter supervising her technique.
I must admit she is almost as good at this pre-preparation task as you
are. However, she does not choose the
food I desire and sometimes I just will not eat the canned food she leaves
me...hoping it will hurt her heart to pity and she will stress and try to find
something I WILL eat. Although this
technique seemed to only work the first couple of times, much to my chagrin!
Then she fiddles
with that big silver machine in the corner of the counter and seems to regard
this frothy cup filled with whatever as a real treat (cappuccino). She takes it with her and places it on one of
those little round things (coaster) on your desk and thinks she is going to
write. Well she should KNOW better.
So I mew a few
times to distract her and she looks all worried (I do love that look), backs up
from the keyboard and pats her lap and asks me stupidly, "Do you want to
come up and sit here?" As if that
was rocket science or something! Of
COURSE she needs to be petting me.
Once I've worn out
her petting patience and she is all soft and cuddly and warm from my wonderful
attention, I jump down and leave her wondering.But I jump down because it is my play time.I come back and forth into the study and keep
mewing and letting her know that she must stop that silly clacking on those
keys and come chase me!
Eventually she gets
the picture and we play hide and seek for awhile till she tells me *I* am
silly! What a laugh it is to watch her
racing around and trying to hide behind doors and walls thinking I, the king of
the beasts in this house, cannot find her.
It is great fun and honestly she does a good job of hiding sometimes, I
must admit.
Then I must
nap. By this time, the sun may be
streaming in the front room windows and I work out on the lamb's wool rug till
I drift off to dream land. I awake an
hour or so later and sniff at my dish and then go and see why she is still
tapping on the keys.
Then I start my
real push for obedience. Even if it is
freezing (her term, not mine, of course) outside, I drive her nuts till she
opens Miglio's sliding glass doors to the balcony. When it is cold she doesn't want to open it
because she feels she need to leave it open for my pleasure and she does, but
she tells me she will not do this because it is way too cold outside now. It matters little to a properly determined
kitty, so I pester her till I get my way and she puts on a coat and bemoans the
fact that she does not have gloves!
Of course, I only
sit out there for a few minutes because it IS cold outside and so I sit inside in
the doorway, taking in the warm sun rays and smiling, knowing she does not know
the door can now be closed. She is so
funny looking with the coat and socks and scarf on when she finally realises
she can close the door.
Then I make her
feel guilty for closing the door and am so amused at her lecture about keeping
me healthy and how she loves me. She is
sort of cute sometimes. But now I want
more play time with her and she always goes back to tapping the keys, so I jump
on the desk and fiddle around with everything there and in my own good time
make her stop and I crawl into her lap, where I will stay for a good while. Then I jump down and curl up on the
convenient beanbag chair she has brought into the office since the first day
she was here, so I can be near her and warm as I rest from all my
She must get up a
few times while I sleep but when I wake I want her to go and sit someplace else
and start a campaign to get her moving in the direction I want her in and she
turns on that big box in the front room and sits in your chair and I sit in her
lap for however long I can get her to stay there. She takes breaks to get tea and snacks (which
I must report she does not share with me).
And then will get
up to fiddle in the kitchen with something that she takes to the table and I
watch her consume, looking as pitiful as possible, so she is always wondering
if I eat table scraps at the table and of COURSE I would never do that!
Then she washes up
the dishes and polishes the kitchen to her satisfaction and sits back in your
chair to read. She has been reading a
very thick book and because I insist on sitting in her lap she cannot rest it
on her knees. I can tell her arms get
tired and I just smile my best Cheshire Cat imitation smile as she shifts the
book from hand to hand.
She must pet me
often and is well trained to do this and so eventually I wear her out and she
asks me if I'm tired and would like to go to bed. By now my eyes are closed and it is every man
for himself. But of course she can't
sleep in the chair so disturbs me to get up and get ready for bed and then
crawls under the covers with that book still in her hand.
I insist on sitting
in her lap while she gets tired and eventually puts the book down and is
puzzled as to how she is going to slip down into the bed properly without
disturbing me. And she has tried some
endearing ways, but so far I just look at her with disgust and move slowly off
her lap and wait till she turns out the light and arranges herself in the bed
and I hear that last, "Are you alright, mighty Oscar?"
Then I make my move
for the spot of my choice and fall asleep beside her, always dreaming of you
and catching birds and you and catching mice and you and eating more carved
beef and you and of course Miglio, who I miss so much.I sense you will be home soon..../me smiles.
Oh, der wunderschöne Sonnenschein! Endlich!
Ich räkelte mich auf dem wundervoll flauschigen Teppich aus Schafswolle, der
fürsorglich für mich bereit gelegt wurde und genoss den puren Luxus von
Ich bringe sie langsam in die nötige Routine
in diesem für sie neuen Haus und möchte dir das neueste berichten, was so
geschah. Du wirst überrascht sein, also setz dich lieber und halte etwas
Katzenminze bereit, nur für den Fall das du schwächelst oder aber dich zu sehr
Heute morgen stupste ich sie unter der warmen
Bettdecke an, um ihre Müdigkeit zu besiegen und brachte sie dazu, sich in
Richtung Küche zu bewegen. Sie ist ein wenig größer als du bist, also muss ich
mich ein wenig mehr strecken, wenn ich von hoch oben auf meinem Kratzbaum auf
sie hinunter gucken will.
Sie tappste langsam in die Küche – ich
wünschte, sie würde ihre Füße nicht so schlurfen und sich so müde verhalten,
wenn ich sie genötigt habe, mir zu gehorchen – nahm meine Schale, entleerte
vorsichtig das alte Futter, wusch sie sorgfältig, ohne die stinkende Seife zu
benutzen und trocknete sie ebenso sorgfältig ab. Dann wählte sie meine leckeren
und favorisierten tranchierten Stücke aus Rindfleisch und bereitete alles so
zu, wie ich es am liebsten mag.
Doch dann zögerte sie, als sie die Packung
voller Friskies Stückchen aufnahm. Sie neigt dazu, sich mit mir zu unterhalten,
wenn ich in ihrer Nähe bin, sogar wenn ich weiter weg bin von ihr, und fragte
mich dann (fragte MICH), ob ich die Whiskers probieren möchte, die du in dem
großen Sack zurück gelassen hast. Sie sagte irgendwas, dass wir das besser
jetzt herauszufinden, bevor die ganzen Friskies alle sind.
Sie ist so ein Planer!
Also antwortete ich ihr mit einem sehr
befehlendem „Miau“ dass sie mir die neuen Whiskers präsentieren dürfe und
weiter machen sollte. Und so folgte sie meiner Anweisung.
Ich langte deftig zu, weil es sich so
unterschied von meinen Friskies. Danach aß ich die leckeren Rindfleisch
Stückchen und spülte alles mit frischem Wasser nach, welches sie in meine
gereinigte Wasserschale gefüllt hatte.
im Bauch
Sie begab sich dann ins Büro, um zu arbeiten
und ich hörte das Rattern ihrer kleinen Fingerspitzen und lächelte.
Und dann begann mein Bauch Geräusche zu
machen. Ich dachte, sie sollte mir jetzt besser etwas Aufmerksamkeit schenken
und rief sie mehrere Male. Sie kommt IMMER, wenn ich sie rufe. Ich gehe davon
aus, dass sie denkt, ich wäre so dämlich meine Pfote zwischen einer Tür zu
verfangen oder so etwas ähnliches.
Aber ich liebe es, dass sie mir hinterher
rennt, wenn sie hier ist.
Jedes mal wenn sie zu mir kam, um zu schauen
wie es mir ging, gab ich ihr meinen besten
„Was-glaubst-du-wen-du-anschaust“-Blick, hob meinen Schwanz und entfernte mich
von ihr. Sie war ziemlich verwirrt über mein Verhalten. Dann ging sie wieder an
ihre Arbeit, nur um Minuten später von seltsamen Geräuschen abgelenkt zu
werden, die sie als „Kampfgeräusche“ interpretierte (ehrlich, sie ist nicht
wirklich gut darin, auszudrücken was sie fühlt, also das war die beste
Erklärung, die sie mir anbieten konnte).
Was sie dann sah, war mein Frühstück über dem
kompletten Teppich verteilt. Sie verhielt sich sehr sorgsam, nahm mich
vorsichtig hoch und machte viel Aufhebens um mich. Ich wusste natürlich, dass
sie nicht nur auf mich fokussiert war, denn sie suchte den süßlich riechenden
Teppichreiniger und die Papertücher, doch der Himmel ist mein Zeuge, dass sie sich
wirklich bemühte, sich um meine schwindende Gesundheit zu kümmern.
Sie schrubbte und scheuerte alles wieder weg,
während ich da saß, machte einen wirklich erschöpften Eindruck und wirkte nahe
dem Tode gleich (doch sie dramatisierte das alles nur, um das dabei zu sagen,
also keine Sorge) und suchte all die kleinen Stückchen auf, die sie vorher
verpasst hatte. Sie war so sorgfältig, du wärest stolz auf sie gewesen.
Nachdem sie mit dem Scheuern fertig war und
alles sorgsam zurück gestellt hatte, kam sie zu mir, nahm mich wieder in den
Arm (ich lächle hier gerade), streichelte mich sanft und aufmerksam und setze
sich dann mit mir auf den Teppich aus Schafswolle, wo sie sich dann circa 10
Minuten ihrer Zeit über mich beugte und mich hielt.
Ich ignorierte sie und begann langsam
einzudösen. Mein zu mir genommenes Frühstück auf diese Art und Wiese zu
verlieren hatte mich ermüdet, also war Schlafen das natürlichste für mich in
dieser Situation. Sie ließ mich dann in Ruhe, nur alle 15 Minuten kam sie
wieder zu mir, streichelte mich und fragte mich, wie ich mich denn so fühle. Ich
war doch nur müde, um Himmelswillen! Ich hörte dann, wie sie das neue Whiskers
Futter raus warf, ein Glück, dass ich das los bin, ich hätte mich vergiften
und Freiheit
Ich döste im warmen Sonneschein den größten Teil
des Morgens. Als ich dann wieder erwachte, war mir nur allzu deutlich klar,
dass ich am verhungern war. Sie stand da und beobachtete mich, nachdem sie sich
eine Tasse Tee gemacht hatte und ich überprüfte dann, ob meine bewährten
Friskies Stückchen wieder in meiner Futterschale waren. Doch ich kann
berichten, dass sie einen guten Job gemacht hat, denn dieses widerwärtige neue
Futter hatte sie entfernt und meine Schüssel wieder mit altbewährtem gut
Ich aß trotz allem sehr delikat, nur für den
Fall der Fälle. Und fühlte mich wirklich gut danach, so dass ich nach einigen Stunden eine weitere
Mahlzeit zu mir nahm. Diese kleinen knusprigen Stückchen schmecken einfach gut
und erinnern mich an Geschichten über knusprige Mäuseknochen. LECKER!
Gestärkt begann ich meine täglichen Übungen
nun einiges verspätet. Sie liebt es mit mir Fangen zu spielen oder Verstecken.
Und ich liebe es, sie dabei zu beobachten, wie sie versucht, mich einzufangen.
Es ist einfach so amüsant, denn sie ist offensichtlich zu ungelenk, um hinter
den Sofas im Wohnzimmer oder im Studio her zu rennen, dann ist sie jedes Mal
frustriert und stampft mit ihren Füßen auf den Boden. Als wenn ich auf DIESEN
alten Trick herein fallen würde!
Nachdem sie sich dann die Seele aus dem Leib
gerannt hat und schon schwerer atmen musste, setze ich mich wieder ein wenig in
die Sonne und tankte auf für einige Zeit. Dann hörte ich etwas Besonderes! Die
Tür von Miglio`s kleinem Zimmer öffnete sich. Du weißt welche ich meine, die
Tür die man kaum sieht und die dennoch vorhanden ist, an welcher ich immer
meine Nase stupse. Sie öffnete diese Tür. Glaub mir, wenn ich dir sage, dass
das Wasser dort bis zu meine Ellenbogen stand all die Tage zuvor.
Sie begann wieder eine dieser nutzlosen
Diskussionen mit mir, dass sie Angst hätte, diese Tür zu öffnen und mich auf
meinen Lieblingsplatz gehen zu lassen. „Um Gottes Willen, Mädchen!“ miaute ich
zu ihr, „Ich bin nicht dumm genug, um drei Stockwerke tief zu springen, also
öffne diese dumme Tür für mich! Das ist ein Befehl!“
Ach, sie zögerte wiederum, und ich krallte
meine Klauen in die Vortür, um ihr zu zeigen, dass ich diese Tür selber öffnen
würde, falls nötig. Zögerlich gab sie nach und ich war so überrascht, dass ich
nur da stand und hinaus sah. Die Luft roch so süß und ich wollte mich am
liebsten selbst umarmen.
Sie quasselte weiterhin hinter mir, verlieh
ihren Sorgen Nachdruck, bettelte mich förmlich an, mich gut zu benehmen und
nicht herunter zu fallen. Sie macht sich wirklich zu viele Sorgen. Doch dann
tat sie etwas, was mich wirklich überraschte. Als ich so da saß, starr meine
Gedanken darauf gerichtet, endlich wieder auf meinen Balkon zu gehen, ließ sie
mich komplett alleine, murmelte etwas davon, dass sie glaubt, es ist besser mir
einfach zu vertrauen, jemand wird schon wohl über mich wachen und ließ mich endlich in Frieden.
Also das nenne ich Weisheit!
Doch ich wusste, dass sie mich im Auge
behalten würde. Darum zögerte ich weiter, saß an der Türschwelle und wartete
darauf, dass sie ihre Geduld verlor und vorsichtig auf den Balkon gehen würde.
An einigen Stellen war es immer noch nass, doch ich liebte das Gefühl von
FREIHEIT. Schließlich sprang ich auf die Brüstung, meinen Rücken zur Sonne, und
lächelte und lächelte. Ich liebe meinen Balkon.
Nach einigen Stunden schlenderte ich wieder
zurück zu ihr, wo sie immer noch beschäftigt war, und ließ sie wissen, dass ich
nach eigenem Belieben ein und aus gehen konnte. Es wurde langsam kühler und sie
stand auf, sagte mir, dass nun genug frische Luft für diesen Tag herein
gekommen sei, schloss die Vortür und diese unsichtbare (Glas) Schiebetür vor
meiner Nase und schloss ab!
So wurde mir meine Freiheit wieder genommen,
doch ich weiß, dass sie mich wieder heraus lassen wird, da sie sich nun sicher
sein kann, dass ich trotz meines Verlangen nach dir nicht hinunter springen
Als wir gerade davon sprechen, habe ich dir
heute schon gesagt, wie sehr ich dich vermisse? Trotz all ihrer Bemühungen, sie
ist nicht DU und sie ist auch nicht Miglio. Bitte drückt euch beide mal
gegenseitig und gebt mir Bescheid, wann ihr wieder nach Hause kommt. Ich
brauche endlich wieder eure weltberühmten Special-Streicheleinheiten.
Oh the beautiful sunshine!
Finally! I have been lounging
around on the wonderful fluffy, lamb's wool rug that was so thoughtfully
provided for me and enjoying the sheer luxury of sunshine.
I am getting her into a proper routine in the new house
though and want to tell you the latest of what has happened. You will be surprised, so be sure to be
sitting down with come catnip nearby, in case you feel faint or over excited.
My Breakfast!
This morning I nudged her
sleepiness out from under the warm blankets and got her moving toward the
kitchen. She is a bit taller than you
are, so I have had to resort to standing up on my scratching skyscraper, but
nonetheless it is working.
She padded slowly to the kitchen - I do wish she would not
scuff her feet and act so tired when I have compelled her to obey me -- and
picked up my dish, carefully emptied out the old food and washed it carefully,
not using that smelly soap and then drying it thoroughly. She selected my yummy, favourite, carved beef
chunks and layered it just like I want it each morning.
My Choice
Then she hesitated when she
picked up the Friskies nibbles box. She
tends to talk to me most of the time when I am near, even when I am far, and
she asked me (asked ME) if I wanted to try the Whiskers in the big bag you had
left. She said something about finding
out if I liked it before all the Friskies nibbles were gone. What a planner she is!
So I told her with my most commanding "Meow" that
she could present me with the new Whiskers nibbles and get on with it. So she did.
I ate it heartily as it was so different from the Friskies
nibbles. And then I ate the lovely beef
chunks and washed it all down with the fresh water she poured into my cleaned
water bowl. Perfect.
Tummy Rumble
She went to work in the office
and I could hear the clatter of little fingertips and smiled. Then my tummy started rumbling. So I thought she should pay attention to me
and called to her various times. She
ALWAYS comes when I call. I suppose she
thinks I am stupid enough to get my pretty paw caught in a door or
something. But I love her running around
after me when she is here.
Each time she came to check on me, I gave her my best,
"what-do-you-think-you're-looking-at" look and put my tail up and
walked away from her. She was
appropriately mystified by my behaviour.
Then went back to work once more and minutes later heard something
strange, like I was fighting with something (well she really is not good at expressing
what she senses, so this was the best she could offer me of what she had heard.
What she saw, was my breakfast spread out once more on the
carpet. She was most supportive and
carefully picked me up and cuddled me and fussed over me. All the while I know she was not completely
focused on me as she was searching for that sweet smelling carpet cleaner and
the paper towels, but heaven knows she needed to pretend she cared about my
failing health.
Earnest Scrubbing
She scrubbed away while I sat,
looking exhausted and near death's door (only being a bit dramatic here, for
effect, by the way, so do NOT panic) point to little bits she was missing. She was so careful, you would have been proud
of her.
After she was satisfied with her scrubbing and putting
everything back carefully, she came and scooped me up (smiling here) and softly
and gently cuddled me and sat me onto my favourite lamb's wool rug and cooed
over me for maybe ten of her minutes.
I ignored her and started to nap. Losing my breakfast that way had made me
tired and so resting seemed the natural thing for me to do. She left me in peace, but disturbed me about
every 15 minutes to come pet me and ask me how I was feeling. I was just tired, for Pete's sake! I did hear her throwing out that new Whiskers
food though and good riddance to it! It
could have poisoned me!
(English translation follows) In all dieser Zeit fand ich Frieden in deinen Armen and ich
brauchte hier nicht zu schreiben…dann kam der Regen…
Weißt du, was ich getan habe? Ich sah es nur REGNEN in den
letzten zehn aufeinander folgenden, erbärmlichen, schrecklichen Tagen
Warum hast du mich verlassen? Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass
es deine Schuld war, dass der Regen startete. Es ist beinahe zu viel. Ich
dachte du LIEBST mich! Ist dies ein Weg es zu beweisen?
Hast du eine Idee was „Hüttenfieber“ ist? Nun, ich werde dir
erzählen, was es ist. Du musst verkraften jede Minute drinnen zu verbringen und
den unaufhörlichen Regen auf den Balkon niederprasseln zu hören. Mein Balkon,
welcher sonst nur der Ort meiner weichen, kleinen Fußtritte war. Es war eine
Quälerei für jemanden so abenteuerlustigen, wie ich es bin.
Und das Wasser kam beinahe bis in die Wohnung, es stand die
ganze Zeit so hoch auf Milo`s Balkon!
Verbesserung des Wächters
Erinnerst du dich an die Dame,
der du mich zu Weihnachten überlassen hast? Nun, es war eine Überraschung sie
in unser Haus kommen zu sehen und dass sie übernacht blieb am Tag bevor du mein
Wohnzimmer mit Gepäck überhäuft hast und mir verboten hast, darauf zu sitzen
und es neu zu sortieren.
Sie ärgerte mich nicht großartig in dieser ersten Nacht,
doch als du und Miglio am nächsten Tag das Haus verließt, war ich außer mir vor
Doch du machtest mich wieder glücklich, als du in derselben
Nacht um Mitternacht wieder zurück ins Haus geschlichen kamst! Es war
wundervoll dich in Miglio`s Bett schlafen zu sehen, wo genug Platz war, um mich
dicht an dich zu kuscheln.
Aber dann hast du mich wieder verlassen. Es war alles
ziemlich stressig und verwirrend für mich. Doch meine Futterschale blieb
gefüllt und das war der wichtigste Teil in diesem Abenteuer für mich.
Sie kam die Treppe herauf in dieser Nacht und ich erinnerte
sie daran, wie geschickt und heimlich ich sein kann. In der ersten Nacht
versuchte ich zu entkommen, aber sie erwischte mich. Sie dachte wohl wirklich,
dass sie sich an MICH anschleichen könnte. Ich aber war überzeugt, dass du und
Miglio wieder zu Hause seid! So eine enttäuschende Überraschung.
Am nächsten Morgen bereitete sie mein Frühstück BEVOR sie
sich selber ihren Tee machte, daran erkannte ich dass sie sich an die richtige
Rangfolge erinnerte, um mich glücklich zu halten. Ich aß, ich miaute und sprang
dann auf den Tresen. Ich wusste einfach, dass sie mich nicht herunter jagen
würde, denn sie weiß ja nicht, was du mir erlaubst und was nicht. Doch dann
verließ sie mich für den restlichen Tag.
An den zwei darauf folgenden Tagen verließ sie mich auch den
größten Teil des Tages, doch ich ließ sie teuer dafür bezahlen, wenn sie wieder
nach Hause kam. Sie musste mich in ihrem Schoß halten und pausenlos streicheln,
sie konnte weder stricken, noch herausfinden, wie der Fernseher funktionierte
(sie beherrscht ihn jetzt perfekt).
Dann kamen diese zwei ruhigen Tage, an denen auch du immer
hier bei mir warst. Ich glaube, ihr nennt das Wochenende. Aber am Sonntag
begann der Regen. Sie sagte es goss wie aus Eimern, ich bin nicht ganz sicher,
wie diese Technik funktionieren sollte, aber es war ziemlich laut!
Es blieb am regnen. Am nächsten Morgen regnete es immer noch
und sie blieb zuhause! Es regnete den ganzen Tag. Es regnete die Nacht hindurch
und du kennst dieses Gefühl, als wenn die Luft vollkomen feucht wäre – so
fühlte es sich auch da an.
Der Innenhof war überflutet und sie war dort draußen mit dem
Besen und schwappte das Wasser damit über den Balkon. Ich war diesmal nicht in
Versuchung, auf den Balkon zu schleichen, ich bin schließlich kein Narr und
Stiefel für mich fand ich auch keine.
Den nächsten Tag regnete es und den darauf folgenden und…na
ja, du kannst es dir vorstellen. Sie staubsaugte die Flure, wusch die Teller
und säuberte jedes Mal den Tresen, wenn ich ihn erklommen hatte. Sie polierte
Zeugs und füllte diese komische Maschine in dem kleinen Raum mit Wäsche und
Handtüchern (die Maschine, welche Sperrbereich für mich ist).
Einmal schaffte ich es, mich einzuschleichen, aber sie
erwischte mich. Das Beste war, als sie diese neumodische Vorrichtung aufbaute
vor der Heizung, ich saß auf all ihrer Wäsche und schaukelte vor und zurück und
dachte an Milo und ihre Hängematte. Welch ein Segen.
Als wir dabei sind, wie geht es Milo?
Ernest Hemingway
Dann blieb es einfach am
regnen. Jeden Tag regnete es. Den ganzen Tag und es goss wie aus Kübeln.
Du weißt dass ich keine Geduld für Schwierigkeiten habe.
Doch in meiner Unruhe begann ich Nachforschungen über die Überlebensrate von
Katzen in starkem Regen. Weißt du, was ich heraus fand? Nun, ich werde es
sowieso erzählen.
Ernest Hemingway sprach einmal über einen alten Mann und das
Meer oder so etwas, aber er schrieb auch eine hübsche Geschichte über eine
Katze im Regen. Dies ist meine ehrliche Meinung, also wenn du den Regen
langweilig findest, dann ist es diese Geschichte auch, doch vielleicht gibt es
ja einen tieferen Sinn welcher außerhalb der Reichweite meiner Pfoten liegt –
immerhin ist eine Katze vorhanden!
Morgen soll die Sonne wieder scheinen
Nun, tatsächlich schien sie
sogar schon GESTERN! Es war einfach nur herrlich, sie machte einen Spaziergang
und ich glaube, wir kommen jetzt zurecht. Aber damit ihr das wisst, ich
vermisse dich und Miglio trotzdem.
All this time there was peace in your arms and I did not
have to write here....then, the Rains Came...
Do you want to know what I've been doing? Just watching it RAIN and trying to stay warm
during the last ten straight, awful, miserable days!
Why did you leave! I'm
convinced it's your fault the rain started.
It is nearly too much. I thought
you LOVED me! Is this any way to prove
Do you have any idea what "cabin fever is"? Well, I will tell you what it is. It's being cooped up
inside every minute and having to listen to that incessant rain pelting the
balcony. My balcony that once was host to my soft little footsteps. it has been torture for
one so adventurous as I am! And it
almost came into the house, it stayed so high all the time on Milo's balcony!
Keeper Improving
You remember that lady you left me with over Christmas? Well
it was a surprise to have her come to our house and stay overnight the day
before you cluttered my living room with all that luggage and wouldn't let me
sit in it and rearrange stuff.
She didn't really bother me that first night, but when you
and Miglio left the next day, I was beside myself with worry!
But you made me so happy sneaking back home
that same night at midnight! It was
wonderful having you sleep in Miglio's bed where there was plenty of room for me
to cuddle next to you.
But, then you left again.
It all was very stressful and confusing for me. But my food bowl stayed full, so that was the
most important part of the adventure for me.
She walked up the stairs that night and I reminded her how
swift and sneaky I can be. I tried to get
away that first night, but she caught me. She thought she
could sneak in on ME. I thought it was
you and my wonderful Miglio home again! What a surprising disappointment.
The next morning she fixed me my breakfast BEFORE she made
her cup of tea, so I knew she had remembered the priorities of keeping me
happy. I ate and mewed and jumped on the
counter. I knew she would not shoo me
off as she doesn't know what you do with me sometimes. But then she left me that day.
Two more days she left me all alone during the day and I
made her pay dearly when she got home. She had to hold me in her lap and pet me non-stop and couldn't knit or figure out the TV (she has it down pat now).
Then it
was those quiet two days when even you used to be here with me.I believe you call it the weekend.But on Sunday, it started to rain.As she said, bucketing down and I'm unsure of
the technicality of that, but it sure was noisy!
It kept raining. The
next morning it was raining and she stayed home! It rained all day. It rained through the night and it was cold
and you know that sort of wet air feeling everywhere -- it started feeling like
The patio was flooding and she was out there with the push
broom sloshing it off the balcony at regular intervals. I was not tempted to sneak onto the balcony
though as I am no fool and I couldn't find my boots!
The next day it rained and the next and ...well you get the
picture.She vacuumed the floors, washed
dishes, kept mopping up the counter every time I got up there.She polished stuff and filled that strange
machine in that little room with clothes and towels (the one that is off limits
to me.
I did sneak in once but she
caught me. And best of all, she set up
that strange contraption in front of the heat and I proudly sat on the top of
her clean clothes and swayed back and forth and thought of Milo in his
hammock. What bliss.
By the way, how is Milo?
Earnest Hemingway
Then, it just kept raining.
Every day it rained. All day and
heavy bucketing down rain.
You know I have limited patience with inconveniences. But in my agitation I began doing some
research on the survival rate of cats in heavy rain. Do you know what I discovered? Well I will tell you anyway.
Earnest Hemingway who spoke of an old man in
the sea or something like that, also wrote this neat story about a cat in the
rain. In my humble opinion, if you think
the rain was boring, so is this, but perhaps there's a hidden meaning just out
of paw reach - but there is a cat!
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
Well actually it came out YESTERDAY! It was glorious and she went for a walk and I
think we will make it now. But just so
you know, I miss you and Miglio anyway.
Well, you know how interested I am in life-work
balance!I’m already quite skilled with
the art of resting.My skill at perching
on the back of every couch and on the window ledges throughout the house, on
the edges of desk and side table and bookcase – even on the highest spots I can
reach in the house.
Anyway, wanted to share with you all what I’ve managed to
teach her during this semester.As a
student, she has proven to be one of my great accomplishments.She is rather set in her thinking and
ways.But then I am THE professor and
she had no chance really once I turned on my powers of persuasion and
demonstrated the effectiveness of my pretty little claws!
Scritching 101+
First I taught her how to scritch my cheeks with both hands,
so she was unable to focus on anything else and my ecstasy was delved deeply
into for up to ten minutes, which, sadly is the limit of her ability to
concentrate on pleasing me in this way.
Then I taught her that when I want to sit in her lap, she
must stop everything, including that silly tap tapping on her many keys to
focus only on me again.If she is
wearing those short clothes, she must keep a pillow case at hand always to put
quickly over her legs.
Finally she must let me take whatever time I deem necessary
to test her patience, by turning around and around until I find just the right
spot to settle.
And if I am not entirely satisfied or see movement out the
window or hear noises down the dark stairs, I may jump right up and leave her
wondering what I am on about.How I love
to watch her surprised face under these conditions!
Like Chocolate
Also, when she is tired and ready to watch TV, she must
always remember to keep the pillow case at hand so she can put it on her legs
as I hop up onto the back of the couch to startle her and then slowly and
gracefully step onto the pillowcase already in place for me!
There I sit and if she is really fortunate and manages to
stroke me just so, I reward her with a hearty session of purring.You could think purring is like chocolate for
her!So easily manipulated!
Fresh Air Exercise
I’ve taught her to leave many windows open, although she
still thwarts me by keeping them open only enough for me to sniff the
beautiful, free and fresh air...as I dream of lazing about on that green stuff
that covers the yard below.
I’ve taught her to brush me and stop when my paw touches her
hand and I get THAT look in my eyes that says, if you move one more millimetre,
I will scratch you beyond an inch of your life!
Night Classes, Too!
She has learned to place a very nice soft, flannel sheet on
the end of her bed so I can cuddle into it and I think she is happy that it
keeps me sometimes in one place). Oh and she never gets up from her chair at her desk that I do not claim this prized seat! It is so cute to watch her try to move me without disturbing my rest.
But she has also learned that I love to roam around her as
she sleeps and rest in various spots next to her body, such as in the crook of
her knees or in her arms – she is such a good cuddler and never misses an
opportunity to scritch me - and in such a professional manner, I can only
imagine you have left the best of instruction behind!
Diet & Health
I did refuse to eat the food she offered me recently!Certainly she could not expect me to eat
without being fussy!So I made her go to
the local Woolies and exchange some of these silly flavours for my favourite.Otherwise I would just keep being pernickety and
was close to missing the box again.
Hide & Seek!
My greatest training endeavour however, will surprise you,
especially you Miglio...she has FINALLY learned to play tag and hide and
seek!She was so slow in realising this
was what I intended for her to do and you would have thought it was a difficult
as jumping through hoops!
But just this past weekend, I got that gleam in my eye and
stomped my paws at her and made her start running around and hiding behind
doors.It has made her so happy to
finally GET with the program.But this
special game can only be played when I say so, though she has continued to
try to encourage me.(/me rolls my eyes!).
All in all, I am getting her in shape, but sense she is
growing a bit sad for some reason.
me, I am just wondering when you will come and get me and give me a proper pet!I know she will eventually get it and I have
been more than patient and gracious with her clumsy efforts.Yet there is no one like you and Miglio!
You know it has been HOT here and I am getting tired of laying around and complaining. What am I to do and she can't seem to change the heat either and is doing a fair bit of laying around complaining about the heat too. But I have found a few ways to beat the heat!
But she also tells me we are rather lucky not to live in that heart-shaped part of this land, called Tasmania, as they are dealing with raging bush fires. Here we have a little smoke that my ultra-sensitive feline nose can detect each morning in the early hours, but no fire near us at all.
Can't-Help-Its Morning Wander
I have the "Can't-Help-Its". This is sort of like "Man Flu" but worse. I walk from my special pink mat on the end of her bed into her closet and sniff around. Then I walk out switching my tail.
I saunter into the bathroom and inspect the cleanliness of my box to make sure she is keeping up with me - and so far she would surprise you!
NOTE on Lavender
She also tricked me into using those unacceptable LAVENDER scented crystals! She MIXED them with the ones I like. She is maddening at how she tries to thwart me. To punish her, I held it in half a day, just to make her worry where I might go...but eventually had to give in. Oh I HATE to lose a little skirmish like this!
Anyway, I digress. After I inspect the standards of the bathroom, I waltz down the long hall and into the girls' bathroom, where I rarely find anything of interest other than an occasional pair of flip-flops.
Watching Tea Bags
If she is fixing her tea, however, I love sitting right in front of the refrigerator door. She is always so reluctant to make me move and I just smile sweetly at her, just like that famous Cheshire Cat in that movie! Eventually I do move or she might complain.
On to the lounge room, where I do a quick reconnoiter and check to ensure if she has somehow forgotten how much to open the windows there...just in case I can pretend I am going to sneak out. That REALLY gets her all excited and it is SO amusing!
Squirting My Fun Away!
But my best trick then is to jump onto the little table at the staircase to that mystery area down the stairs that I have only been able to get into a couple of times and I sniff around this dumb barrier she has erected against my explorations and she goes nutty.
However, she found a squirt bottle and gives me a little spritz of water if I persist, so I only fiddle around there until I see her face grow red!
MY Office
Then I stroll into her office. I have had her lay out my wonderful striped towel at the one window on her desk, and a pillowcase on the desk return. I settle typically into my favourite spot in a tall window from which I may survey all my kingdom without moving. It is bliss to have a gentle breeze flowing the underparts of my body -- well unless it is hot.
Then I jump down when I am about settled and let out with one of my most pathetic mews to see if she is paying attention -- she does try to type all the time and ignore me, which I will never allow.
Once she is distracted and gently cooing to me...I give her THAT look and she knows to put that pillowcase in her lap so I can sit there and keep her from typing until I am satisfied her train of thought is interrupted and I am fully stroked and scritched. She does have the longest nails and a great technique!
What's Wrong?
"What is wrong," you plead. Well what is wrong is that neither of you are here with me. How am I supposed to live my life without you two.
...oh where is she with that chicken I asked her to prepare!
Anyway, I hope YOU are enjoying your holiday...she is doing what she can to indulge me, but it is you two who I have twisted around my little kitty paw!
You would not believe that it is 44 C here today! So I'm having a very lazy day dreaming of world domination again, but you would be used to that.
I'm shedding everywhere and she is saving all my hair to make me a soft cushion. Quite thoughtful actually considering how much time I take to pamper her and sit in her lap....which, just between you and me is too small!
Really it is so difficult to get her to just sit still enough and get this pretty purple and white pillowcase on her lap so I can balance. But she seems to enjoy the challenges.
Because it's so hot today I have been both sleepy and grumpy because I miss sitting in all my favourite windows. She also found a way, FINALLY, to block off the downstairs completely now and it seems to be keeping it cooler up here!
I posed for the neatest shot with me sitting on a bunch of pillows with a dog (oh don't worry, it was not a real one or it was VERY nervous) sandwitched between them. What a coward that dog was! But then it is me, Oscar!
I miss you both so much, but am getting her trained rather well now and as soon as she can figure out what setting she changed preventing her from uploading these cute pictures of me, I will get her to put them up right away for your pleasure.
Well did you realise that the way Europe and Australia
market and sell Internet time is vastly different? Yes, yes, I know you didn't realise that I was
so technically savvy, but really it is 2013 now and I have to stay up-to-date
on so much!
This lady I'm staying with was beside herself to discover
that her three friends from France had used up five times the amount of
Gigabytes in the month that she would use...and that she completely ran out.
Actually, she never realised how many hours of Internet time
I was using to talk with my other Cat friends!I would wait till she was completely asleep and then sneak out of her
bedroom and fire up this machine, talking on Skype and well I do love my
More Attention!
But most of all, I wanted more of her time!She can be rather easy to manipulate and
because she has such well cared for fingernails, I am in Cat heaven with all
the scratching I get her to do.She does
complain a little of the soft hairs I surrender to her grooming, but she will
get over it and it gives her something to do.
One morning however, ten days ago now, I believe, she
slipped in the kitchen on some water and her face turned white and she stopped
moving all together.I waited and
watched closely to try to understand what was wrong.Eventually she moved and took a long time to
get up the stairs.I can bound up them
in about 4.3 seconds!
( Here is my belated Christmas wish for you two. See above for reason of delay.)
Cat Heaven
From then on till yesterday, she stayed on the couch
catching up with recorded movies and segments of series she has never had time
to watch.Best of all I kept her warm
and entertained by sitting on her and purring at every possible moment.It was simply great!
But I wanted you and Miglio to know that as hard as she
tries, she will NEVER be able to satisfy me as I require.It has taken me a lifetime to get you two
trained and she is only a novice...but doing reasonably well responding to my
every mew!
Miss me...as I miss you, Oscar the Magnificent (and
part-time nurse)